The Rotary Club of Mackay West
This publication captures aspects of the 60 year history of the Rotary Club of Mackay West Inc, beginning on 1 October 1959 under Charter President Col Story, then carries on into the future. The recording of the Club’s history by PP Col Story as Club Historian over the years, along with PP Mike Loveday (deceased) and PP Grant Craig, has enabled PP John Lacey to compile this record. In the beginning, Twenty five persons met Charles (Later Sir Chas.) Barton and Al Soxman, District Governors representatives, plus other members of Mackay Rotary Club at the office of Griffin and Reilly (now Hugh Reilly Real Estate) in June 1959.
The application for Charter Membership of the provisional Rotary Club of West Mackay contained the
following names:
Jack Batstone
Leo Brlmson
Edmund Casey
Jim Crunkhorn
Owen Cusack
Jack Dean
Ray Ellick
Ray Elliott
George Formosa
Russ Gibbins
Clarry Groth
Len Hansen
Ton Hayes
Bill Kerr
Andy Milne
Roy Mirfin
Wally Pask
Daykin Peberdy,
Brian Phillips
Ben Shambrook
Mervyn Stayte
Colin Story
BiIl Wellbelove.
Jack Williamson
Bill Young
The Club met first at the end of June 1959. The first Directors Meeting was held on 22nd. July 1959 at 7.45pm. Amongst business of the evening was the following:- 0n the subject of fines, it was agreed that an average of 20/- shillings ($2.00) per meeting was desirable and that members who missed joining Club services should be fined about 1/- (10c) per time if without valid excuse. The Club received notification that its Charter had been granted on 1st. October 1959. Delay was occasioned by a small technicality. The necessary papers ceding territory from the Mother Club, Mackay, were incomplete. The matter was quickly rectified and we improved our status from a Provisional Club to the Rotary Club of West Mackay.
As remembered by PP Jack Dean
Col Story, Charter President of the Club
A decision was taken in 1959, by the Board of Directors of the Rotary Club of Mackay to form a new club, to be known as West Mackay. District Governors Representatives Charles Barton and Al Soxman carried out the initial survey and were responsible for the formation of the new Club.
Linus Bagley was the President of the Mackay Club during this period 1958/59 and Storrar Galletly was President during 1959/60, when the West Mackay Club actually started up.
The Club began with 24 members including 8 experienced Rotarians who were members of three other Clubs prior to the formation of West Mackay. They had occupied various positions in their respective Clubs. The Following is a copy of the address to the Club by Charter President Col Story on Charter Night…
This is a most auspicious occasion for the Rotary Club of West Mackay. The Club first met at the end of June, we received notification that our Charter had been granted in October, the delay in this respect was occasioned by a small technicality. The necessary papers ceding territory from Mackay Club were incomplete. This matter was quickly rectified and we improved our status from a provisional Club to the qualified Rotary Club of West Mackay.
Tonight is the fulfillment of one of our ambitions, we have been presented with our Charter. This is of paramount importance to the members of the Club, we appreciate that we take our place amongst the thousands of other Rotary Clubs in the World. Our Club includes eight Rotarians who were members of three other Clubs prior to the formation of West Mackay, these Rotarians have occupied various positions in their previous respective Clubs. Our other members possess all the attributes of persons worthy of the name of Rotarian, already they are imbued with the importance, objects and ideals of Rotary and appreciate the motto of Rotary – “Service above Self. He profits most who serves best.”
Each member is a worthy representative of his classification in Rotary. Our Club is young, virile, enthusiastic, we are eager to learn to be good Rotarians and uphold the objects of Rotary.
I doubt if any President could wish for better Charter Members in a new Rotary Club. West Mackay commenced with a combination of one fairly experienced Rotarian for every two new Rotarians, this augers well for Rotary in Mackay, we make a trinity with Mackay and Sarina Rotary Clubs and are a further member Club of District 255 and Rotary International.
I wish to thank all present for their attendance, support and good wishes, especially those visitors who have travelled long distances from other Clubs to be with West Mackay tonight.
My special thanks to our sponsor Club, D.G. Merv, Rotarian Charles Barton and Chairman Al Soxman for their efforts on behalf of West Mackay. Charles is not present in person tonight, but we know he is with us in spirit. On behalf of the members of the Rotary Club of West Mackay, I deem it an honour and a pleasure to accept from Rotary International by the hand of D.G. Merv Fleming the Charter of the Rotary Club of West Mackay.
Thank You.